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DESIGNOVEL                                                                          GENGENAI

           Contact Point                                                                       Contact Point
            Ki-Young Shin CEO                                         Hojin Cho CEO  

           Introduction                                                                        Introduction

        Designovel is transforming the retail industry with AI solutions that analyze style, trend, and   GenGenAI provides high-quality synthetic image/video data that is almost same to real data, by
        consumer data. Our technology empowers companies in fashion, consumer goods, and other   leveraging domain-specific generative AI.
        sectors to make precise production and inventory decisions. By comparing key elements with    - Target domains: All areas implementing AI, including mobility, defense industry,
        competitors and identifying historical patterns, we help businesses optimize their strategies for       agriculture, smart home, etc.
        sustainable growth. Our online clothing brand showcases the impact of AI-powered innovation.   - Collaborators: Hyundai Motors Group, Hanwha Systems, Korea Aerospace Industries
                                                                                                Ltd, Republic of Korea Army, Agency for Defense Development
                                                                                             - Supplied synthetic data for autonomous driving (��.�% accuracy when used in AI
            Key Product/Service
                                                                                                development) to company P in the U.S. (overseas sales of $���,���).
        Future Trend Prediction: Using trend similarity search to forecast future trends.
                                                                                            ※ Awarded Excellence in Challenge! K-Startup (Minister of National Defense Award).
        Product Improvement: Identifying product enhancements based on customer feedback.
        Competitive Analysis: Enhancing sales opportunities through competitor comparison.
                                                                                                Key Product/Service
                                                                                            Automatically generate synthetic data (images, videos) and labels for AI training

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